222 Niantic Road, Barto, PA 19504
Phone: 610.845.2583
Office E-mail: christluthchurch@windstream.net
Rev. Matthew Finney, Pastor
Deborah Matthews, Parish Musician
Melissa Seasholtz, Administrative Assistant
Christ Lutheran Church is handicap accessible.
Please join us on a Sunday morning.
​ “So if anyone is in Christ,
there is a new creation:
everything old has passed away;
see, everything has become new!”
2 Corinthians 5: 17

We of Christ Lutheran Church Niantic...
Gather to worship and praise God,
Grow through scripture and prayer, and
Go into the world to share God's love and grace.
Christ Lutheran Church is located in the quaint village of Niantic at the crossroads of Niantic and Congo-Niantic Roads, less than 1 mile off of route 100.
We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). From the beginning, Christ Lutheran Church has grounded itself on God's amazing love, God's holy Word and sacrament.
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, know that you are welcome here!

The Ministries of Christ
Lutheran Church:
Please click on Ministry for more information.
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Sunday, March 30, 2025
8:30 AM Coffee & Conversation (W/C)
9:00 AM Worship
10:00 AM Coffee &
Conversation (W/C)
10:00 AM Confirmation Class
(room I)
Worship Services are streamed
live on Facebook on the
church's Facebook page if
you'd prefer to watch that
Niantic News Newsletters:
Kauffman Chicken Barbecue Fundraiser
On Friday, May 9th, Christ Lutheran Church and the FUN committee will be holding another Kauffman Chicken Barbecue fundraiser. The proceeds will go to Troy and Sherri Snyder to help them recover from a house fire back in November. Tickets are on sale now until May 4 after worship on Sunday's
or in the church office.
Please call the office to make sure tickets are available and someone is in the office. Thank you.
Please click on link below for more information.
Mid-week Lenten Services
Mid-week Lent services are being held Wednesday evenings now through April 9th beginning at 6:00 p.m. with a simple meal and then at 7:00 p.m., a worship service at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.
Quilt Tying
will be held on Tuesday, April 8 beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the social hall.
Then we will join the …
Lutheran Ladies Lunch
which will be held on
Tuesday, April 8 at 12 noon at
Washington Grille and Bar, Rte. 100, Bechtelsville.
We will meet at the church at 11:30 a.m. to carpool to Washington Grille for a 12 noon lunch or you can meet us there at 12 noon.

Endowment Grant Proposal Forms
The Endowment Fund Committee invites any member of Christ Lutheran Church or committee to submit a grant proposal by March 31, 2025. Forms were in your February newsletter or pick one up in the narthex. Please thoughtfully consider the needs of the church and our community, by sharing a need, submitting a grant proposal, help the Endowment Committee to fulfill our purpose and give glory to God with these gifts.
Book Club
The next book we will be reading is: “The Lost Apothecary”
by Sarah Penner and we invite all readers to join us on
Tuesday, April 8 at 7:00 p.m. in the Welcome Center.
Also come with suggestions for future reads.
If you have any questions, please contact Roxanne Fox.
Christ Union Cemetery
Guideline News:
All planting of shrubs, trees or plants is prohibited. Remove all winter decorations 3 weeks before Easter. April through October all flowers and memorials will be removed 7 days after all holidays. All arrangements affixed on top of the gravestones may remain until they are unsightly.
Pastoral Emergencies
Pastoral Emergencies,
please call the church office and the Administrative Assistant will contact Pastor Finney.
All other calls can be called
into the church office and the Administrative Assistant will
get back to you.
We invite to join our mailing list
and receive emails we send out
with news, newsletters or special worship/event schedules.
Please e-mail the church at christluthchurch@windstream.net
and let us know what you would
like to receive. Thank you.

Worship and Music Committee is looking for volunteers to
greet/usher, lector, communion assist, assisting minister or acolyte! We thought it would be a great idea to get everyone involved, so we are asking youth and adults to volunteer in any of these capacities. We really need your help in this ministry! Please volunteer by contacting calling or e-mailing Melissa in the church office.